Being a "spin-off" of the University of Kiel (Germany), the Crisisnavigator is an internationally-active institution for research and consulting. Its focal points are on crisis management, early warning systems, crisis communications, issues management, risk management, safety management, business continuity management, emergency management, emergency psychology, disaster management, restructuring and strategy. Crisisnavigator's head office is located in Kiel, Germany, since 1998. The institute operates a branch office in Hamburg, Germany.
Amongst others, the interdisciplinary team of the Crisisnavigator - Institute for Crisis Research (Kiel, Germany) administrates the international crisis data base (current to the day, complete inventory count since 1984) of the four German-speaking countries in Europe and publishes the information services "Krisennavigator" (ISSN 1619-2389) resp. "Crisisnavigator" (ISSN 1619-2400) and the journals "Krisenmagazin" (ISSN 1867-7541) resp. "Restrukturierungsmagazin" (ISSN 1867-7517). The director of the Institute for Crisis Research, Frank Roselieb, is the managing director and member of board of the German Crisis Management Society (DGfKM).
Since 1998, the affiliated Crisisnavigator Consulting (Kiel and Hamburg, Germany) has established, audited, optimised and certified complete systems for crisis, risk and business continuity management for more than 400 companies, public institutions and associations. Around 3.000 top executives and managers have been trained in crisis exercises and media training. Via an international emergency call centre, a team of qualified crisis managers is available round the clock.
Head office Kiel | Branch office Hamburg |
Please contact us for futher information.
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Last update: Friday, 17. January 2025
© Crisisnavigator - Institute for Crisis Research / Crisisnavigator Consulting, Kiel / Hamburg.
All rights reserved. No unauthorised reproduction or distribution - not even in extracts.